updated 2023

When you want to install W10 or W11 on your PC and get the error message like "you have a MBR disk but a GPT disk is needed".

There is a really easy solution!

Click cancel, and then while still having the Install window open, use shift-F10 to open a command window.

Enter the command line as follows:
• Diskpart (is an app that lets you manage the disks and partitions)
• list disk (it shows Disk 0 which is your harddrive, Disk 1 which is your usb drive)
• select Disk 0 ( > "now Disk 0 is selected")
• clean
• convert gpt ( > "successfully converted the selected disk to GPT format")
• exit

Close the command prompt.

Now you can continue with the Windows installation, but you have to click "refresh" first in order to detect the updated partitions.



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